Funsani held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in February. While we are currently living through unprecedented times across the globe due to Covid-19, our volunteers and supporters are still working to fulfil Funsani's mission to support children who have been affected by HIV/AIDS and bring awareness of the HIV epidemic to youngsters and the general public both in the UK and abroad. And for that we want to say thank you! This blog highlights some of Funsani's successes from 2019 and introduces our current board members.
In February 2020 we held our AGM in Notting Hill, London. During the meeting we discussed financials, accomplishments and learnings from 2019 – reflecting on what went well and what could have gone better.
Highlights from 2019 included: a number of the young people who grew up at Funsani Home have now completed their university studies and are now giving back to the charity; we strengthened our connections with the Rotary Club in Livingstone and with another charity in Kitwe; and we built partnerships with local shops who are now looking to contribute to the charity regularly.
As Funsani reaches its 18th year, we dedicated a lot of time talking about the future of the charity and proposed a draft strategy to take forward which will allow us to continue to accomplish our mission:
"To protect and promote the physical and mental health of sufferers of HIV / AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa through the provision of financial assistance, support, education and practical advice."
"To advance the education of the general public in all areas relating to HIV / AIDS and the provision of care to orphans and vulnerable children."
In addition, we also elected our new Board! Please welcome the Funsani 2020 Board:
Chairperson: Kwilole Chisuse
Deputy Chairperson: Jos van der Boom
Treasurer: Kristian Scrase
Secretary: Ntima van der Boom
Fundraising Manager: Katie Round
Communications Officer: Dominique Nielsen
Patron & Founder: Apakombwele Chisuse
Patron: Julian Macro
Patron: Geoff Lowe
Trustee: Vizor Onah
Trustee: David Elwell
If you would like to support or donate to Funsani, please visit our Virgin Money Giving donation page. You could also consider doing a birthday fundraiser on Facebook. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for a wonderful 2019! We want to sincerely thank you for your kindness and ongoing support, and wish you, your family and friends good health in 2020.
Stay safe.